Diane Greenwood |||

Christmas Eve

Hi there everyone, Merry Christmas to all. Just like to thank all the people that have been constantly supporting us over here and for all the messages, phonecalls, texts, prayers and thoughts you have been sending our way. We really have been doing good work with all the support that we have been getting. Thanks for also keeping up with all our journals, Kat and Jas and Bec. It is good to get stories from lots of different open eyes.

So anyway today, here is what we did: Bec was in the laundry, Alanee was morning care time with the children, Neil and Bethany were in the kitchen for the day (made a lovely spinach and ugali lunch that we all had to eat the swahili way - with our fingers!), Jas started with painting and then finished the day with cleaning chairs with Ben. In the morning Rose, Tracey, Nikki, Kat and I did some hamper deliveries. We are still trying to get some hampers out and I think that the ones that we missed before Christmas will be done before the New Year. After the morning run Tracey and Rosemary packed some more and did another delivery in the afternoon with Nikki and Kat. 

The first delivery was for Lillian - she was not home at the time, but as a blessing we found her on the road as we were driving away so we stopped and told her about the package. This is Lillian on the side of the road.

This was a delivery for Mary, and it was one of the most beautiful places I have seen. The pride in place was amazing and it was so clean and I just was in awe at the simply beauty. 

This is Mary from the beautiful room. She was telling us that she had to eat soft foods cause she has no teeth and so we gave her a lolly pop and she was so excited she popped it in and wanted some photo’s.

There were also little goodies that we handed out to some of the children who came up to us as we were delivering. This little boy got a bouncy ball, which he loves.

Delivery for Sophia and her family. Her two boys are perfect candidates for the school that MIA are opening in the New Year. 

Sophia’s house was in a rental area and there where heaps of children. Kat had lots of fun chasing and playing with them.

Some children that Mrs. Pastor gave some teddies to at one of the stops. They loved them so much and their father came and thanked us before we left. 

Sese and her hamper with a baby pack for her little child.

Mama Rebecca and her daughter Rebecca with their hamper

During the afternoon Bec also had a sewing machine that Pattie had given her to bring here. Mary was so happy when she pulled out the Brother machine as she had a Brother and all the bobbins that she has now will work in the one that Pattie has donated here. Thanks so much! So gald it made it in the travelling. It works and is all installed” on the bench!

Bec with the sewing machine all working - thanks again Pattie

Also how can we forget to mention that today the staff of MIA took on all the visitors in a game of soccer. We did let them win this first game (2-0)but wait till next Thursday. Bring it on!

Neil giving a great kick in warm up

Jason in warm up with the tractors behind him

Anisha’s swahili intimidation strategy - Sarah had briefed us that our secondary moves were to throw the cow pats from on the field!

In all a really really great day. We ended the night with some singing in our mud hut. Jas on guitar and me on the flute - singing some Christmas Carols. Jason played some of his songs as well. We also had Melanie, Phillip and George from MIA with us (as well as Ivan and Sarah). They sang a couple of swahili songs. I can remember closing my eyes thinking - we will never have the time again. What an amazing Christmas Eve, in the true spirit of Jesus’ birth today we gave hope and light to a few families in need. 

To all of our families back home - WE ALL SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS! See you all soon. Thanks for all your support again.


Russell: Merry Christmas right back to you all!

How amazing is what you’ve been doing - hope you and everyone else have a safe and wonderful Christmas Day!

Cheerio, see you soon.

Lyn: Hi All,
So great to have some more news from you on Christmas morning!
We have just returned from 8:30am Christmas service with Greg Fry, Cockey (Judy) and a crowing rooster that Greg gave to Cockey as a Christmas present.
Also Dean told the congregation some of your story whilst some of your (collectively) photos where shown on the screen.
A little of your story is now of the GWUC website including your blog addresses.
These addresses are also in the Bulletin for next Sunday good!

So have a great day working and celebrating the birth of Christ, the reason you are all over there in Kenya.

Our love to you all

Lyn & Pam McD

Diane: Thanks so much Lyn, Pam and of course Russell. You are all so fantastic at embracing us at GWUC while we are here.
We will see you all so soon.
We have checked out the gwuc website: http://gwuc.org.au/
Thanks again.

Kim: Diane! I wish I’d known that you were traveling overseas and had a blog that I could keep up with you via!

Here’s wishing you a very Merry Christmas - and here’s to new and different Christmas experiences :)

Diane: Hi Kim … YAY … I know I am slack for not letting you know sooner. I hope that you can follow it now … we are having a great time and I am sure to keep up with you on your journal too. Hope your day went well.
God bless on this Christmas Day.

Up next Right into serving - and Mission 2 Christmas Day
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