Diane Greenwood |||

that stands for Sustainable Living Festival. Which was grand!

I have not posted for a while, but I thought I would start with some links and inspiration from the festival last weekend.

Let’s start with the one that I have used every day since the festival - Shop Ethical (iPhone Ap) - which is basically the book as an application that links live to research and background data for the reason that it is either non-ethical or boycotted. Very good for that supermarke trip if you have to!


Other really good finds of the day were:

  • Social Studio - a non-profit, design and studio based clothing brand from a skilled young refugee community
  • Lopees - an environmental Reusable Envelope for business’
  • Rad-Pads - cloth menstrual pads (Great, great, great - I may seem too excited about these, but I have been looking for them for a while)
  • The Sharehood - neighbourhood sharing resources
  • Friends of the Earth - lots and lots of links and resources, political stance and great connections
  • Send me Seeds Pip - a seasonal seed subscription - WHAT A GREAT IDEA FOR A GIFT!
  • Australian Ethical - Investment and Superannuation

Obviously this was not everything, but these were a few stand outs of the many that were there. You should come next year!

Also, my apples seem to be very ripe early this year - in fact there are none left on my tree, which is rather dissapointing. There could be a few other reasons - because Stanley was helping me eat them, the lorikeets were beautifully hanging and eating them (I couldn’t shew them away!) and we have also found a little mouse/rat thing (that we have named ratatouille’ poking around). Stanley has now become a little obsessive complusive and sits and waits for ratatouille’ each night at the tree - I think that he wanted all the apples.

Apples from the garden

Stanley helping me harvest the apples

Stanley still can’t believe that I am home!


Kim: Mmmmm … apples!

Check ot www.lunapads.com - they’ve got great cloth pads that I LOVE! I would also highly recommend a DivaCup - reusable menstrual cup. Best. Invention. Ever. Seriously.

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